Scholars World

Biopolymers & Polymer Chemistry Congress

THEME: "Enlightening the recent advances in Biopolymers & Polymer Chemistry"

img2 10-11 Jul 2023
img2 Online
Jose C Conesa

Jose C Conesa

Institute of Catalysis and Petroleochemistry, CSIC, Spain

Title: TBA


J.C. Conesa entered the ICP staff in 1979; he was ICP Vicedirector, then ICP Director, being now ICP Ad Honorem Professor. He was first in Spain using SR techniques to study heterogeneous catalysis, and first in CSIC to use quantum calculations to understand them. He is expert in XPS and FTIR (including operando), EPR, UV-Vis-NIR. He has analyzed CeO2-supported metals and oxides, more recently for H2 production. He has kept furthermore continued interest in photocatalysis and photoactive solids. He belongs to the Steering Committee of AMPEA, a JP of the European EERA devoted to sustainable energy. His over 210 articles and book chapters have received more than 10100 citations, leading to a Hirsch index h=58.
